Unbedingt anshen - Jamin Winans - Spin

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    Wanna play god?
    Ich zeige Dir die Probleme, die Gott jeden Tag hat. So, oder zumindest so ähnlich könnte man das Video betiteln.


    In a deserted alley within the depths of downtown Denver, a DJ angel by the name of Scratch (played by Hayze II) drops from the sky along with his gear and an assignment: to reverse a series of events and right the wrongs.

    Using his turntable and knobs, Scratch views the area of the commons where a variety of people are going through the motions of their everyday lives. The street performer break dances for dollars, some boys from Federal are getting machismo and territorial, a man is breaking out some bills for a quick fix from a drug dealer, and a mother walking out of the store with her daughter drops a basketball from her recently purchased bag of toys.

    zur vollen story, bitte hier lang.


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