• ist raus (zumindest für die Nutzer der community beta)

    The MCDU and community feedback update

    • [ADDED] Additional functionality to FMS SPD button
    • [ADDED] Additional functionality to INIT page
    • [ADDED] EBOF functionality
    • [ADDED] Fire FAULT TEST functionality
    • [ADDED] PRED TO functionality
    • [ADDED] Several missing alerts
    • [ADDED] Several missing annunciations on the ND
    • [ADDED] T/C to the ND and MCDU
    • [ADDED] T/D to the ND and MCDU
    • [ADDED] Deviation indicator circles to ND APPR mode
    • [ADDED] "VERT ALERT" annunciation and associated logic
    • [ADDED] MCDU annunciators
    • [ADDED] REF system
    • [ADDED] CO ROUTE support
    • [ADDED] "CHECK BALLAST FUEL" message when applicable
    • [ADDED] Localizer DME distance indication
    • [ADDED] Additional PROF functionality
    • [ADDED] Yaw damper turn coordination functionality
    • [ADDED] "CDU MSG" annunciation to ND
    • [ADDED] Independent FMC emulation
    • [ADDED] MCDU standby functionality
    • [ADDED] Support for latitude/longitude entry as a waypoint
    • [ADDED] Support for place/bearing/distance (PBD) waypoints
    • [ADDED] Proper functionality of landing lights and nose light with respect to gear handle position
    • [ADDED] Option to synchronize both altimeters when not flying in shared cockpit
    • [ADDED] Ability to synchronize the minimums when not flying in shared cockpit
    • [ADDED] Option to accelerate mouse scrolling for various knobs
    • [ADDED] Chocks and cones
    • [ADDED] ETE
    • [ADDED] Vertical deviation display to DESCENT PERF page
    • [ADDED] Proper handling of early and late descent to PROF
    • [FIXED] Inability to LAT REV to NEXT WPT via the FROM leg
    • [FIXED] Missing wipers in external model
    • [FIXED] View finder
    • [FIXED] Missing approach transitions under some conditions
    • [FIXED] Speedbrake behavior
    • [FIXED] FCP drawing bug relating to PROF status
    • [FIXED] Missing alerts and annunciator statuses during GPWS test
    • [FIXED] PROF altitude drawing bug on PFD relating to very low altitudes
    • [FIXED] Vibrations not displaying at the correct time
    • [FIXED] Display error on DESCENT PERF page
    • [FIXED] Circuit breaker light not functioning on "DIM" setting
    • [FIXED] GO AROUND page
    • [FIXED] Engine indications during startup
    • [FIXED] Some missing legs on SIDs and STARs
    • [FIXED] "WXR ON" only showing in WXR mode when WXR is on during ground operations
    • [FIXED] Distance based leg naming
    • [FIXED] An issue preventing approaches/runways from being listed
    • [FIXED] Some altitude restrictions not displaying properly
    • [FIXED] VMIN being way too high (preventing proper approach speeds)
    • [FIXED] Deleting the CLB THRUST altitude improperly resetting it to 1500 above the departure airport
    • [FIXED] ATS "RETARD" mode during non-autoland situations
    • [FIXED] MCDU scratchpad resetting when 24 characters are entered
    • [FIXED] PPOS displaying incorrectly on the PROG page
    • [FIXED] MCDU resetting to the start of the STAR if the runway is changed
    • [FIXED] AFS speed selection during departure
    • [FIXED] Missing information on DUPLICATE NAMES page
    • [FIXED] Erroneous FLAP DISAG with certain flap settings
    • [FIXED] Erroneous BANK ANGLE warning
    • [FIXED] Graphic issue with left master warning
    • [FIXED] Observers unable to pop out displays or hide yoke
    • [FIXED] Engine sound spooling down during takeoff
    • [FIXED] 2D popups appearing black until resized in FSX
    • [FIXED] Various MCDU operation improvements
    • [FIXED] A display bug on the IRS STATUS page
    • [FIXED] A bug that could cause pitch oscillations in HOLD and VS AFS modes
    • [FIXED] Landing light splash staying illuminated incorrectly
    • [FIXED] Data display on ND showing some characters too large
    • [FIXED] Data display on ND showing incorrectly at certain headings
    • [FIXED] Reversed animation on left aileron tab
    • [FIXED] Nose gear gravel deflector sticking through nose gear doors
    • [FIXED] Ability to interact via scrolling where it should not be possible
    • [FIXED] Pushing/pulling FCP speed knob engaging ATS
    • [FIXED] Several FMA related issues
    • [FIXED] Several VERT REV related issues
    • [FIXED] Speed of wing landing lights extend/retract animation to match real world speed
    • [CHANGED] Improved magenta line tracking
    • [CHANGED] Improved DRAG messages on MCDU
    • [CHANGED] Optimized rendering pipeline
    • [CHANGED] 2D popups can now be closed by clicking in the center
    • [CHANGED] 2D MCDU popups now honor click/release behavior similar to the 3D MCDU
    • [CHANGED] The default "reset altimeter" function (B by default) now works
    • [CHANGED] Improved 2D popup default sizes and positions
    • [CHANGED] Improved ATS response
    • [CHANGED] Middle clicking the nose/landing lights on the overhead now toggles them all
    • [CHANGED] Increased initial ground drag friction slightly
    • [CHANGED] Various minor interaction improvements
    • [CHANGED] FPLN and DIR TO page now display " when the previous the prediction was the same
    • [CHANGED] Fuel flow rate
    • [CHANGED] Brake depressurization time

    Lg Philipp


    "Wahrscheinlich ist mir da auf FL170 nen Komodowaran oder sowas ins Triebwerk geflogen, keine Ahnung." Matthias D., Ornithologe

  • Weiter geht's: (Release Candidate - Expected 5/31/2017, Available to Community Opt-in Beta)

    • [FIXED] Fixed "???" on circuit breaker panel
    • [FIXED] Normal maps on exterior model
    • [CHANGED] Minor improvement to data loading from navigation data (30 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release)

    • [FIXED] Force persistence save function not using correct file name
    • [FIXED] Terrain radar display range bug
    • [FIXED] Down range speed restrictions not applying during departure
    • [FIXED] A scenario that could cause negative/erroneous predictions
    • [FIXED] Crash relating to attempting a VERT REV/LAT REV on an ALTN leg
    • [FIXED] Ability to have adjacent duplicate waypoints
    • [FIXED] SID/STAR/Airways inserting duplicate waypoints when a shared waypoint exists
    • [FIXED] PRESELECT performance numbers not being updated
    • [FIXED] Landing weight always displaying in pounds
    • [FIXED] "DRIFT RAGE" typographical error on the IRS STATUS page
    • [CHANGED] Updated "cereal" serialization library



  • Das lange erwartete Update ist jetzt raus, nachdem es seit ein paar Monaten schrittweise über die Community beta getestet wurde. Es war sehr schön zu sehen, wie das Flugzeug immer wieder ein bisschen besser wurde, irgendwann die Schwelle zu "fliegbar" hinter sich liess und eben verdammt gut wurde.

    (Und das ging soweit, dass der bayerische Grantler immer weniger zu meckern hatte.)

    Was jetzt noch aussteht, woran aber gearbeitet wird, ist grob zusammengefasst:

    -Exterior upgrade und damit einhergehend Paintkit-Release


    Zitat (31 May 2017)

    Major update, tested via the Community Opt-in Beta

    • [ADDED] Default Lights Toggle, Panel Lights Toggle, and Landing Lights toggle functionality to L, SHIFT+L, and CTRL+L
    • [ADDED] LEG BYPASS logic
    • [ADDED] Overfly triangle on FPLN/DIR TO page
    • [ADDED] Crash handler/minidump generator
    • [ADDED] Function to force a persistence save to the MAINT page for debugging
    • [ADDED] DIST to T/D to CRUISE PERF page
    • [ADDED] RETURN functionality to the MENU page
    • [ADDED] Additional functionality to FMS SPD button
    • [ADDED] Additional functionality to INIT page
    • [ADDED] EBOF functionality
    • [ADDED] Fire FAULT TEST functionality
    • [ADDED] PRED TO functionality
    • [ADDED] Several missing alerts
    • [ADDED] Several missing annunciations on the ND
    • [ADDED] T/C to the ND and MCDU
    • [ADDED] T/D to the ND and MCDU
    • [ADDED] Deviation indicator circles to ND APPR mode
    • [ADDED] "VERT ALERT" annunciation and associated logic
    • [ADDED] MCDU annunciators
    • [ADDED] REF system
    • [ADDED] CO ROUTE support
    • [ADDED] "CHECK BALLAST FUEL" message when applicable
    • [ADDED] Localizer DME distance indication
    • [ADDED] Additional PROF functionality
    • [ADDED] Yaw damper turn coordination functionality
    • [ADDED] "CDU MSG" annunciation to ND
    • [ADDED] Independent FMC emulation
    • [ADDED] MCDU standby functionality
    • [ADDED] Support for latitude/longitude entry as a waypoint
    • [ADDED] Support for place/bearing/distance (PBD) waypoints
    • [ADDED] Proper functionality of landing lights and nose light with respect to gear handle position
    • [ADDED] Option to synchronize both altimeters when not flying in shared cockpit
    • [ADDED] Ability to synchronize the minimums when not flying in shared cockpit
    • [ADDED] Option to accelerate mouse scrolling for various knobs
    • [ADDED] Chocks and cones
    • [ADDED] ETE
    • [ADDED] Vertical deviation display to DESCENT PERF page
    • [ADDED] Proper handling of early and late descent to PROF
    • [ADDED] Marker indiciation on PFD
    • [ADDED] Ability to hide yoke
    • [ADDED] Display popup functionality*
    • [ADDED] 2D MCDU panels*
    • [FIXED] Missing wipers in external model
    • [FIXED] View finder
    • [FIXED] Missing approach transitions under some conditions
    • [FIXED] Speedbrake behavior
    • [FIXED] FCP drawing bug relating to PROF status
    • [FIXED] Missing alerts and annunciator statuses during GPWS test
    • [FIXED] PROF altitude drawing bug on PFD relating to very low altitudes
    • [FIXED] Vibrations not displaying at the correct time
    • [FIXED] Display error on DESCENT PERF page
    • [FIXED] Circuit breaker light not functioning on "DIM" setting
    • [FIXED] GO AROUND page
    • [FIXED] Engine indications during startup
    • [FIXED] Some missing legs on SIDs and STARs
    • [FIXED] "WXR ON" only showing in WXR mode when WXR is on during ground operations
    • [FIXED] Distance based leg naming
    • [FIXED] An issue preventing approaches/runways from being listed
    • [FIXED] Some altitude restrictions not displaying properly
    • [FIXED] VMIN being way too high (preventing proper approach speeds)
    • [FIXED] Deleting the CLB THRUST altitude improperly resetting it to 1500 above the departure airport
    • [FIXED] ATS "RETARD" mode during non-autoland situations
    • [FIXED] MCDU scratchpad resetting when 24 characters are entered
    • [FIXED] PPOS displaying incorrectly on the PROG page
    • [FIXED] MCDU resetting to the start of the STAR if the runway is changed
    • [FIXED] AFS speed selection during departure
    • [FIXED] Missing information on DUPLICATE NAMES page
    • [FIXED] Erroneous FLAP DISAG with certain flap settings
    • [FIXED] Erroneous BANK ANGLE warning
    • [FIXED] Graphic issue with left master warning
    • [FIXED] Engine sound spooling down during takeoff
    • [FIXED] Various MCDU operations
    • [FIXED] A display bug on the IRS STATUS page
    • [FIXED] A bug that could cause pitch oscillations in HOLD and VS AFS modes
    • [FIXED] Landing light splash staying illuminated incorrectly
    • [FIXED] Data display on ND showing some characters too large
    • [FIXED] Data display on ND showing incorrectly at certain headings
    • [FIXED] Reversed animation on left aileron tab
    • [FIXED] Nose gear gravel deflector sticking through nose gear doors
    • [FIXED] Ability to interact via scrolling where it should not be possible
    • [FIXED] Pushing/pulling FCP speed knob engaging ATS
    • [FIXED] Several FMA related issues
    • [FIXED] Several VERT REV related issues
    • [FIXED] Speed of wing landing lights extend/retract animation to match real world speed
    • [FIXED] "BANK ANGLE" warning at very low altitudes
    • [FIXED] T/C or T/D disappearing under some conditions
    • [FIXED] Cruise level and cost index not resetting when the flight plan resets
    • [FIXED] Derates being reset when switching between thrust limit modes automatically
    • [FIXED] "TCAS FAIL" display logic
    • [FIXED] Some weight inputs/displays not honoring the weight unit setting
    • [FIXED] Missing EXTRA= display on VERT REV page
    • [FIXED] B not resetting standby altimeter
    • [FIXED] Inability to activate EDIT speed with a mach number during cruise
    • [FIXED] STAR legs not being inserted correctly when only a runway is selected for approach
    • [FIXED] Reverse thrust interaction (see this video for an explanation)
    • [FIXED] Ridiculous reverse thrust authority
    • [FIXED] Selected heading bug appearing on PFD and ND when it should not
    • [FIXED] MCDU logic refresh rate
    • [FIXED] AFS heading selection choosing wrong turn direction
    • [FIXED] Terrain radar display range bug
    • [FIXED] Down range speed restrictions not applying during departure
    • [FIXED] A scenario that could cause negative/erroneous predictions
    • [FIXED] Fixed "???" on circuit breaker panel
    • [FIXED] Normal maps on exterior model
    • [FIXED] Ability to have adjacent duplicate waypoints
    • [FIXED] SID/STAR/Airways inserting duplicate waypoints when a shared waypoint exists
    • [FIXED] PRESELECT performance numbers not being updated
    • [FIXED] "DRIFT RAGE" typographical error on the IRS STATUS page
    • [FIXED] "Send to Sim" not working properly on the Addon Manager under some conditions
    • [FIXED] Fuel levels not loading properly from persistence under some conditions
    • [FIXED] Handling of altitude based speed restrictions during cruise
    • [FIXED] Prediction errors in cruise when DIR TO is executed in climb
    • [FIXED] FMS Performance database tweaked for more realistic initial climb out predictions
    • [FIXED] Display of cruising altitudes below 10,000
    • [FIXED] Range ring inconsistencies
    • [FIXED] EFOB updating issues during flight
    • [FIXED] Incorrect initial NAV turn after takeoff under some conditions
    • [FIXED] Erroneous magenta line under some conditions
    • [FIXED] Some conditions resulting in CTDs and extreme VAS usage
    • [FIXED] Duplicate SID/STAR/APPR legs under some conditions
    • [FIXED] A possible edge case CTD scenario
    • [FIXED] Inability to enter negative slope/wind on the TAKEOFF page
    • [FIXED] Inability to enter negative OAT on TAKEOFF page
    • [FIXED] Course from fix to distance RNAV legs being flown incorrectly
    • [FIXED] Rendering bug on AIR SD flow lines
    • [FIXED] Rudder tab not unlocking with low hydraulic pressure
    • [FIXED] Takeoff AFS guidance
    • [FIXED] Fuel not burning correctly under some scenarios
    • [FIXED] A scenario that could cause flaps and/or slats to remain extended despite retracting the handle
    • [FIXED] "NO LOC" and "NO G/S" not displaying correctly
    • [FIXED] PFD indicating FMS-managed VS instead of PROF during descent
    • [FIXED] Takeoff AFS heading selection
    • [FIXED] Left throttle visually controlling both throttles via Aircraft Sharing
    • [FIXED] FMA annunciating "NAV2" when NAV mode was active but AFS was disconnected
    • [FIXED] PROF using AT/ABOVE waypoints as AT restrictions during descent
    • [FIXED] Runway related SID/STAR legs not being included properly
    • [FIXED] Gross weight not updating properly throughout the flight
    • [FIXED] Incorrect ATS thrust engagement on the ground
    • [FIXED] "Plus hundred" callout not working
    • [FIXED] Wind display setting not working
    • [FIXED] Map symbology setting not working
    • [FIXED] Rudder trim green band appearing in air
    • [FIXED] FSUIPC gear up/gear down assignments not working properly
    • [FIXED] Autoflight overtrimming aircraft
    • [FIXED] Minimums color
    • [FIXED] Improper alignment of GS text on ND
    • [FIXED] Jerky flight director pitch movement in PITCH speed mode
    • [FIXED] Improper handling of cruise altitude changes in flight
    • [FIXED] Right side of left reverser handle being black
    • [CHANGED] FADEC and engine response time improvements
    • [CHANGED] Localizer engagement and tracking improvements
    • [CHANGED] MCDU keyboard input is now indicated
    • [CHANGED] Improved magenta line tracking
    • [CHANGED] Improved DRAG messages on MCDU
    • [CHANGED] Optimized rendering pipeline
    • [CHANGED] The default "reset altimeter" function (B by default) now works
    • [CHANGED] Improved 2D popup default sizes and positions
    • [CHANGED] Improved ATS response
    • [CHANGED] Middle clicking the nose/landing lights on the overhead now toggles them all
    • [CHANGED] Increased initial ground drag friction slightly
    • [CHANGED] Various minor interaction improvements
    • [CHANGED] FPLN and DIR TO page now display " when the previous the prediction was the same
    • [CHANGED] Fuel flow rate
    • [CHANGED] Brake depressurization time
    • [CHANGED] Removed default autobrake
    • [CHANGED] Updated "cereal" serialization library
    • [CHANGED] Minor improvement to data loading from navigation data
    • [CHANGED] Tweaked AFS and ATS behavior for improved performance.
    • [CHANGED] Smoothened IAS and IAS trend inputs to rid of control twitching from ASN induced turbulence
    • [CHANGED] Optimized code slightly

    Lg Philipp


    "Wahrscheinlich ist mir da auf FL170 nen Komodowaran oder sowas ins Triebwerk geflogen, keine Ahnung." Matthias D., Ornithologe

  • Dann ist der Flieger wohl soweit, dass ich ihn mir auch gönnen kann ;)

    953585 Mein System
    "Dieses Kribbeln im Bauch, dass Du nie vergisst; als ob im Magen die Hölle los ist." - Lt. Ellen Ripley

    "Mein Vater ist ne Knackwurst" - Schweinchen Babe

  • Dann ist der Flieger wohl soweit, dass ich ihn mir auch gönnen kann ;)

    Selbiges habe ich mir auch schon gedacht. Mal sehen, vllt. landet er dann auch bei mir im Warenkorb die nächsten Tage... ^^

    Gruß, Tobias

    VATGER - Mentor FIR Langen

    "Kairo, ein genauso kaputter Flughafen wie AMS, nur mit mehr Sand..." - Magnus, 24.01.2018

    "Kotzen ist gerade keine Option, ich habe ATC..." - Goof, 27.06.2024

    My Specs:

    Intel i7 8700K @4,8Ghz | MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Plus | Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR4-3200MHz | Gigabyte AMD RX6800 Gaming OC - 16GB | be quiet! Dark Rock 4 | 250GB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 1TB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 500GB Samsung EVO 970 Plus M.2 SSD

    1272780 gvert27-future.png

  • Dann ist der Flieger wohl soweit, dass ich ihn mir auch gönnen kann

    Ja, absolut. Das Teil macht mittlerweile echt Spaß. Ein paar kleine Macken hat das Pferd aber immer noch, Update kommt auch bald. Nach wie vor ein Krampf ist m.E. die fleckige Nachtbeleuchtung, die auch so schnell wohl nicht korrigiert wird. Ich sehe aber auch nicht ein, dafür extra FSLabs Spotlight zu kaufen.

    Positiv: Ich habe im TFDi-Forum mal nachgefragt, ob es die Möglichkeit geben kann, im VC-Tablet einen Browser zu bekommen, damit man Navigraphs moving Chart-Map direkt nutzen kann. Das schaut man sich für P3d v4 an (keine VAS-Limitierungen wie in FSX/v3) :thumbup:.

  • Irgend ein Update bereitet mir heute Probleme mit dem Tablet :/

    Gestern noch lag der Tablet Ordner mit all seinen Dokumenten im Simobjects Ordner der 717, heute, nachdem ich die Settings auf Europe geändert habe, liegt dieser im Dokumenten Stammordner unter C://...

    Problem an der Sache ist nun, das mir das Tablet keine .png's mehr anzeigt. Klicke ich ne hinterlegte Chart, etc.. an, so bleibt diese komplett weiß. Jemand mit dem selben problem hier? Admin rechte lösen das Problem nicht, das habe ich schon probiert.

    Zur Veranschaulichung:


    Gruß, Tobias

    VATGER - Mentor FIR Langen

    "Kairo, ein genauso kaputter Flughafen wie AMS, nur mit mehr Sand..." - Magnus, 24.01.2018

    "Kotzen ist gerade keine Option, ich habe ATC..." - Goof, 27.06.2024

    My Specs:

    Intel i7 8700K @4,8Ghz | MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Plus | Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR4-3200MHz | Gigabyte AMD RX6800 Gaming OC - 16GB | be quiet! Dark Rock 4 | 250GB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 1TB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 500GB Samsung EVO 970 Plus M.2 SSD

    1272780 gvert27-future.png

  • Moin zusammen, möchte euch gerne ein Beispiel für die Motivation der TFDi-Entwickler zeigen, ihr Flugzeug weiter zu verbessern.


    In dem verlinkten Foren-Beitrag listet ein Hawaiian-Pilot einige Details auf, die ihm in der Umsetzung der 717 als falsch oder gar nicht umgesetzt aufgefallen sind. Colin von TFDi nimmt zu allen Stellung und zeigt sich aufgeschlossen, die Punkte zu optimieren.

    Ich finde, so eine offene Politik ist total sympathisch und für einen Newcomer auf jeden Fall auch sehr professionell. Bin froh, seit den ersten Stunden nach Release zugeschlagen zu haben, denn so ließ sich der Fortschritt über die einzelnen Updates sehr schön mitverfolgen.

    Lg Philipp


    "Wahrscheinlich ist mir da auf FL170 nen Komodowaran oder sowas ins Triebwerk geflogen, keine Ahnung." Matthias D., Ornithologe

  • Ein großer Teil der Volotea Flotte ist jetzt gepainted :huh:


    Gruß, Tobias

    VATGER - Mentor FIR Langen

    "Kairo, ein genauso kaputter Flughafen wie AMS, nur mit mehr Sand..." - Magnus, 24.01.2018

    "Kotzen ist gerade keine Option, ich habe ATC..." - Goof, 27.06.2024

    My Specs:

    Intel i7 8700K @4,8Ghz | MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Plus | Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR4-3200MHz | Gigabyte AMD RX6800 Gaming OC - 16GB | be quiet! Dark Rock 4 | 250GB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 1TB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 500GB Samsung EVO 970 Plus M.2 SSD

    1272780 gvert27-future.png

  • ...und das ist richtig abgefahren!

    mfg Kai

    Mainboard: Gigabyte Z690 UD DDR4, CPU: AlderLake I7 12700K , Grafikkarte RTX 4080, Monitor: LG ULTRAWIDE(38UC99) 3840*1600, 32 GB RAM DDR4 3200 GSkill, Windows 11 pro, MSFS